Consignor/Seller Drop Off 
Get ready to clear out that clutter from the items your kids no longer need or want and CASH IN!

Please read through ALL details and reach out if you have questions about drop off.

To register, you will need:

  1. Your JBF Consignor number (example A253YFC). If you do not have a JBF consignor number click HERE. Be sure to RETURN TO THIS PAGE to complete your registration.
  2. Choose your drop-off time 
  3. Let us know if you are picking up or donating unsold items. 
  4. Payout selection
  5. Presale Shopping 

You will receive a QR code in your confirmation email with your confirmed drop off/pick up time selections. Save the information as that will be your QR code (TICKET) for the entire event.

Consignors earn 60% of their sales - minus consignor fee of $15.

STOP - Do you already have an appointment?

Please go HERE to look up your appointment and resend your confirmation email.           OR

GO HERE if you need to change your drop off appointment. Then select tickets at the top to view details and modify your drop off


Your Ticket options will show above after you answer a few questions below.

Drop Off/Pick up Tagged Items

  • $25 Fee per 300 items. Deducted from payout check.
    (you bring your ready to sell items in size and department order - we place items on sales floor for you)

Presale Shopping

Select SELLER Ticket above for drop off/presale and also select friend ticket so your friend can shop with you.

Each seller, who drops off their items to sell, will be eligible for EARLY SHOPPING during Seller Presales for yourself + 1 guest. 

All presale shopping times will be validated at drop off. 

 (no tickets needed for kids)

Seller Information

Seller Appointment(s)

TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software